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Vineyard & Winery Insurance

There is a lot more involved in making wine than growing grapes, as every winery and vineyard owner is aware. Sophisticated vineyard and winery operations involve equipment management, staffing, marketing, oenology, viticulture, and insurance.

Vineyards and wineries face unique risks, such as extreme weather, wine spoilage and leakage, chemical drifts, and liability claims. These industry-specific risk exposures require customized insurance solutions. Our agents at Katsaros Insurance Group in Oberlin, Ohio, are well-versed in the unique insurance needs of vineyard and winery owners, and we can tailor a custom insurance package to protect your enterprise against a range of potential risks.

Insurance Coverage for Vineyards & Wineries

Vineyards and wineries have unique risk exposures and need customized coverage for every area of the business. As a winery or vineyard owner, you may need a package that includes:

  • Property insurance
  • General liability (GL) insurance
  • Liquor liability insurance
  • Crop insurance
  • Contamination and spoilage coverage
  • Equipment breakdown coverage
  • Coverage for wine in storage or in transit
  • Pollution liability (chemical drift) insurance
  • Product recall coverage
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • Crime coverage
  • Cyber liability insurance
  • Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI)

Cost of Vineyard & Winery Insurance

The cost of an insurance package for your vineyard or winery can be impacted by a range of factors, including the location of your business, risk exposure, coverage options, policy limits, property value, number of employees, number and types of vehicles, and other variables. Our knowledgeable local agent at Katsaros Insurance Group in Oberlin, Ohio, will work with you to ensure that your vineyard or winery has full protection for every area of the business, and will help you find the lowest available rates.

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Customer Reviews

...get the best rates for your home, auto, business and life insurance.

Kathe Pittman
Kathe P

Dennis and Ellen are experts in their industries.

Loriann W

Awesome agency! Friendly, professional staff that is easy to work with!

Emily Nicole
Emily N